I had always heard the saying, "she/he is like a breath of fresh air." I never knew what it meant until now. When Evan is home, the kids can still be crazy, the house can be a bit messy, but everything just sighs in relief.
Even though this whole medical school adventure can be taxing, it sure makes me grateful for my awesome hubby. So that's something to be thankful for. I'm really glad that the trials in our life are strengthening our family instead of driving us apart.
So, after preparing 8 freezer meals for my freezer meal group exchange, we all headed outside to keep Evan company while he finished up the bench for our kitchen table. I took this opportunity to take some pictures of Theo for his 7 month photo shoot, and then I started practicing manual focusing. Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure!
Can't believe he's 7 months!
This boy has eyes for his daddy... and from his daddy.
Daddy's little helper
Sweeping off the sawdust
Alex's new pose
This, my friends, is the look of pure joy from a toddler who has seen his 5th plane today.
MMMMMMMM.... that's a good looking man.
This is me desperately wanting "just ONE" picture with my children.
Our "obedient child" ;)
Throwing a basketball on the roof is surprisingly entertaining for a 2-year-old